Canopy Architecture and Configurations

Canopy operates as a dynamically configurable UI framework within PolyAPI, enabling the creation of tailored user interfaces based on API configurations. This section provides an overview of Canopy’s architecture and the customizable properties and attributes that you can leverage when building Canopy applications.

Canopy Architecture

General Structure

Canopy functions as a shell application that dynamically configures itself based on JSON application configurations. The high-level structure of Canopy consists of the following elements:

  • Canopy Runtime: The overarching execution environment for Canopy applications.

  • Configured Application: Specific Canopy-powered application, defined within PolyAPI.

  • Configured Collection: Logical grouping of resources within an application.

  • Item Detail: A view displaying in-depth information about a specific resource within a collection.

  • Item Sub-page: Additional pages within an item’s detail view.

  • Item Sub-collection: A nested collection under a primary item.

  • Sub-item Detail: A detail view for items within sub-collections.

  • Other collections and applications: Canopy supports multiple collections and applications within the same runtime.

The hierarchy of Canopy applications is illustrated below:

    Canopy Runtime
    ├── Configured Application
    │   ├── Configured Collection
    │   │   ├── Item Detail
    │   │   │   ├── Item Sub-page
    │   │   │   ├── Item Sub-collection
    │   │   │   │   ├── Sub-item Detail
    │   ├── Other collections within the Application
    ├── Other Applications within the Runtime

Base Route and Authentication

The base route of Canopy serves as the application launch screen. Depending on authentication status, users are either:

  • Presented with a list of available Canopy applications.

  • Redirected to a specific Canopy application login/signup screen for authentication.

For hosted instances of PolyAPI, the default application is typically PolyUI, used for managing Poly-related resources. In self-hosted instances, the default application can be modified within the next.config.mjs file.

High Level Application Structure

Each Canopy application can define:

  • Metadata to define branding and routing details.

  • Collections for organizing resources.

  • Configurable login/signup screens (within metadata) tailored to user authentication needs and branding.

Customizing Canopy Applications

Canopy applications are fully customizable, enabling you to modify metadata, collections, login/signup, items, sub-pages, sub-collections, and function/API operations based on your requirements.

Metadata Attributes

Canopy applications have a metadata property to define branding elements and navigation behavior:

  • name Display name of the application.

  • subpath Custom route for the application.

  • icon URL for the application icon.

  • logoSrc URL for the application logo.

  • login Property for the login screen.

  • signUp Property for the signup screen.

Metadata Login Attributes

The login property within metadata can be customized with the following attributes:

  • title Title for the login screen.

  • logoSrc Logo for the login screen.

Example metadata configuration:

  "name": "Quantum Quirk",
  "subpath": "quantum-quirk-dashboard",
  "icon": "",
  "logoSrc": "",
  "login": {
    "title": "Login To Quantum Quirk Dashboard",
    "logoSrc": ""

Metadata SignUp Attributes

Canopy applications support a signUp property, which configures the signup experience for users. This property consists of multiple steps, each defining fields and actions:

  • title Title of the signup process.

  • logoSrc URL for the signup logo.

  • steps Ordered list of signup step properties.

Each step property within signUp can include the following attributes:

  • name Unique identifier for the step.

  • title Display title for the step.

  • subtitle Descriptive text for the step.

  • fields Array of input fields required for the step.

  • submit Defines submission behavior for the step.

  • additionalInfo Extra information displayed to users.

  • texts Array of text fields and links for the step.

Each field property within a step can include the following attributes:

  • name Field name.

  • type Supported Attribute Types.

  • label Display label for the field.

  • placeholder Placeholder text.

  • required Boolean indicating if the field is mandatory.

  • requiredError Error message if the field is not filled.

  • values Predefined options for enum fields with name and value attributes.

  • functionValues API-driven options for enum fields.

  • showValue Boolean indicating to show field value.

  • queryParam Name of the query parameter to use as the field value.

  • labelHtml HTML content for the field label.

  • helperText Helper text for the field.

Each submit property within a step can include the following attributes:

  • label Display label for the action.

  • function Function property to configure execution upon submission.

  • redirectTo URL for redirection after submission.

  • redirectWithQueryParams Boolean indicating if query parameters should be included in the redirect.

Function Property Attributes are covered below and work the same way for submit in signup.

Example signUp configuration:

  "title": "Create an Account",
  "logoSrc": "",
  "steps": [
      "name": "userInfo",
      "title": "Sign Up",
      "fields": [
        { "name": "email", "type": "text", "label": "Email", "required": true },
        { "name": "firstName", "type": "text", "label": "First Name", "required": true },
        { "name": "lastName", "type": "text", "label": "Last Name", "required": true },
        { "name": "terms", "type": "checkbox", "label": "Agree to Terms", "required": true }
      "submit": {
        "label": "Sign Up",
        "function": { "path": "auth.createUser", "type": "server", "arguments": { "body": { "data": true } } },
        "redirectTo": "/dashboard"


A Collection represents a structured list of items within a Canopy application. Key features include:

  • Card-based display for intuitive visualization.

  • Item detail pages for deeper exploration of individual records.

  • CRUD support through Poly functions for authenticated users.

Collection Configuration

Each collection is defined using a structured configuration that specifies:

  • id A unique identifier.

  • name Display name.

  • group Group name for organizing collections.

  • nameProperty Which property to use as the primary display name for items.

  • properties A set of properties defining the item structure.

  • itemActions (Optional) actions available for items list view.

  • list and get Required CRUD operations for items.

  • create, update, delete (Optional) CRUD operations for items.

Example collection configuration:

"collections": [
    "id": "tasks",
    "name": "Tasks",
    "group": "Dashboard",
    "nameProperty": "title",
    "properties": {
      "id": {
        "label": "ID",
        "readOnly": true,
        "excludeFromCreate": true,
        "excludeFromUpdate": true
      "title": {
        "label": "Title",
        "type": "text"
      "description": {
        "label": "Description",
        "type": "multiline",
        "autoSize": true
      "status": {
        "label": "Status",
        "type": "enum",
        "values": [
            "name": "To Do",
            "value": "TODO"
            "name": "In Progress",
            "value": "IN_PROGRESS"
    "itemActions": [
    "create": {
      "actionLabel": "Add",
      "submitLabel": "Save",
      "cancelLabel": "Cancel",
      "function": {
        "path": "dashboard.createTask",
        "type": "server",
        "arguments": {
          "body": {
            "data": true
    "list": {
      "function": {
        "path": "dashboard.listTasks",
        "type": "server"
    "get": {},
    "update": {},
    "delete": {}

Item Properties

Each item within a Canopy application collection can include a variety of customizable properties, supporting different data types and UI behaviors.

Canopy supports the following pre-defined properties for showing basic item information and for navigation:

  • id Unique identifier for the property.

  • name Name for the property.

  • description Description of the property.

Additional properties can be defined for each item based on use case.

Supported Property Attributes

Each property can be customized with the following attributes:

  • label Display name for the property.

  • type Defines how the property is displayed in the UI.

  • values Predefined options for enum type properties.

  • functionValues Function to return list of predefined options for enum type properties.

  • key Use property as key for CRUD operations.

  • readOnly Prevents users from modifying the property.

  • excludeFromCreate, excludeFromUpdate Hides the property from specific forms.

  • hideIfEmpty Automatically hides the property in details view if no value exists.

  • autoSize Automatically adjusts the input field size based on content.

Supported Attribute Types

Types dictate how properties are displayed in the UI. Supported types include the following:

  • text Simple text input.

  • multiline Text area input.

  • number Numeric input.

  • boolean Checkbox input.

  • enum Select input.

  • multi Sting or JSON input.

  • nested Nested object with properties.

  • array Array of items with properties.

  • json JSON code editor.

  • code Code editor with language attribute.

Example properties configuration:

"properties": {
  "id": {
    "label": "ID",
    "readOnly": true,
    "excludeFromCreate": true,
    "excludeFromUpdate": true
  "title": {
    "label": "Title",
    "type": "text"
  "description": {
    "label": "Description",
    "type": "multiline",
    "autoSize": true
  "status": {
    "label": "Status",
    "type": "enum",
    "values": [
        "name": "To Do",
        "value": "TODO"
        "name": "In Progress",
        "value": "IN_PROGRESS"

Function Configurations

Canopy applications support CRUD operations for managing collection items. Each CRUD action is associated with a PolyAPI function that performs the necessary operations. In addition to CRUD operations, Canopy applications can also leverage functions for other purposes, such as standalone item Sub-pages.

For Canopy to operate on collection items, it requires PolyAPI functions mapped to the following CRUD action properties:

  • list Retrieves all items.

  • get Fetches a single item.

  • create Adds a new item.

  • update Modifies an existing item.

  • delete Removes an item.

CRUD Property Attributes

Each CRUD action can be customized with the following attributes:

  • actionLabel Display name for the action button.

  • submitLabel Display name for the submit button.

  • cancelLabel Display name for the cancel button.

  • function Property for configuring Poly function associations.

Function Property Attributes

  • path Path to the function.

  • type Type of function (server or API).

  • arguments Arguments property to define what gets passed to the associated function. Configuration can draw from any params in the current url, or information from the user’s session data, or even from the collection items themselves.

  • mfaRequired Specifies if MFA is required for the function being called.

Function Arguments Property Attributes

Each argument within a function can be customized with one of the following attributes:

  • value Specific static value of the argument.

  • apiKey If true, value is filled with the API key currently being used by the app.

  • id If true, value is filled with the item’s ID.

  • variableId ID of the variable used as the argument, which is resolved by PolyAPI.

  • variablePath Path ( of the variable that is used as the value of the argument, resolved by PolyAPI.

  • data If true, then the argument is filled with the data of the item for CRUD operations - if set to key of a property (e.g. “data”: “environmentId”), then the value of the property is used as the argument value.

  • tenant If true, then the argument is filled with the tenant ID from the session API key.

  • environment If true, then the argument is filled with the environment ID from the session API key.

  • pathParam Name of the url path parameter (parsed from the url by nextjs) that is used as the value of the argument.

  • queryParam Name of query parameter that is used as the value of the argument - additionally you can define a fallback attribute that is used as the value of the argument if the query parameter is not set - having this attribute equal to some property key, creates an additional filter field in the UI based on the property.

Example function configuration:

"create": {
  "actionLabel": "Add",
  "submitLabel": "Save",
  "cancelLabel": "Cancel",
  "function": {
    "path": "dashboard.createTask",
    "type": "server",
    "arguments": {
      "body": {
        "data": true

Example list function configuration with pagination:

...other list properties
"paginated": true,
"function": {
  ...other function properties
  "arguments": {
    ...other arguments
    "page": {
      "queryParam": "page"
    "pageSize": {
      "queryParam": "pageSize"

Nested Collections and Sub-pages

Each collection item can contain additional sub-collections or custom pages, allowing for deeper nesting and extended functionality.

  • Sub-collections: Support their own CRUD functions and nested structures.

  • Item Pages: Custom standalone views powered by Poly functions.

Development Cycle for Canopy Applications

Canopy application configurations can be edited and applied directly from within the PolyAPI UI or via Poly’s API endpoint PUT /applications/{id}/config.


Canopy provides a flexible, API-driven framework for dynamically generating UI applications. By leveraging customizable collections, properties, attributes, and function configurations, you can tailor Canopy applications to fit your specific use cases.

To learn more, checkout Using a Canopy Application.