Pushing to Another Environment

Let’s say we have a bunch of functions in our environment named dev and want to push them to an environment named prod.

In these docs, we’ll go over how!


You’ll need a prod api key to push your functions to the prod environment.

Head over to Managing Users and API Keys for instructions on how to create a new api key for prod!

Copy Your Vari Variables

The first task is to copy over your vari variables.

Right now, this is a fairly manual process.

  • Open up one Vari Management tab and login with your dev environment credentials

  • In a private window or another browser, open up another Vari Management tab and login using your prod api key.

  • Iterate through your dev variables one-by-one and create a new prod variable, replacing the value of the variables as appropriate (e.g., using prod secrets instead of dev).

When creating the new prod variable, make sure to use the same context and name as the dev variable.

Also be sure to set the visibility of your environment variables as “Environment” so your prod variables are not visible in dev and vice-versa.

See Vari Variables for more information on how to manage your variables.

Replicate Your Api Functions

Next up we will replicate over your API functions from your dev environment to your prod environment.

To do this you will need to use the /functions/api/replicate endpoint. If you are on na1, this will be at https://na1.polyapi.io/functions/api/replicate

Replicate API Functiosn

Here’s an example payload:

    "destinationInstanceUrl": "https://na1.polyapi.io",
    "destinationEnvironmentId": "YOUR_PROD_ENVIRONMENT_ID",
    "destinationApiKey": "YOUR_PROD_API_KEY",
    "ids": ["12345", "67890"] // LIST OF FUNCTION IDS TO REPLICATE

The POST should successfully complete with a 201. You will see a list of the functions that were replicated over.

  • Added: means the function did not previously exist in the destination and was added.

  • Updated: means the function already existed in the destination and was updated

  • Error: means there was an error replicating the function. Please contact support@polyapi.io for help.

That’s it! You’ve now ported over your API functions from your dev environment to your prod environment!

Redeploy Your Server/Client Functions

Next up we will redeploy your server functions you have tested in your dev environment to your prod environment.

First, let’s go to your folder where you’ve been hacking on your server/client functions.

Now open up each individual file and run the associated npx poly function add command.

For example, let’s say you have a file named echo.ts containing the following:

// npx poly function add echo echo.ts --context test --server
function echo(firstName: string) {
    return `Hello ${firstName}!`;

To redeploy this function to your prod environment, you would:

  • Run npx poly setup

  • Enter your instance url (e.g. https://na1.polyapi.io)

  • Enter your prod api key

  • Run npx poly generate

Now your Poly CLI is pointing toward your prod instance, not your dev instance.

Now just iterate over your npx poly function add commands and run them:

npx poly function add echo echo.ts --context test --server

This will deploy your function to your prod environment!

When you want to switch back to your dev environment, just run npx poly setup again and enter your dev credentials.


PolyAPI has a new project called Git Glide that will allow you to more easily sync your functions to different environments.

Please contact support@polyapi.io to get access to Git Glide!


That’s it! You’ve now pushed your integration from your dev environment to your prod environment:

  • Vari Variables

  • API Functions

  • Server Functions

Now you are free to unleash your prod integrations on your production data.

And continuing hacking on your dev environment without fear of breaking anything in production!