Implementing CRUD Operations in Canopy Applications¶
Canopy enables you to build fully functional applications with an auto-generated UI backed by API-driven configurations. A key part of these applications is implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations to allow users to manage their data seamlessly.
If you haven’t yet set up a Canopy application, we recommend first visiting the previous page to Create a Canopy UI Application to learn how to define an application structure. This guide will build upon that foundation and will use the example JSON configuration provided.
Adding CRUD to a Canopy Application Collection¶
To implement CRUD in the example “Tasks” collection for the “Quantum Quirk” application, you’ll need to map each operation to a server function in PolyAPI. Let’s start by creating some very basic server functions in a namespace called “dashboard” that will handle the operations.
Create CRUD Server Functions¶
For the sake of simplicity, let’s use Vari
to hold a sample dataset of our tasks. Head over to Vari Management UI and create the following variable:
Name: tasks
Context: dashboard
Description: (Optional)
Visibility: Environment
Secret: False
Select “Object” and submit with the following:
"id": "1001",
"title": "Schrödinger’s Task",
"description": "Both complete and incomplete until observed.",
"status": "TODO",
"priority": "HIGH",
"due_date": "2023-10-01",
"assignee": "User A"
"id": "1002",
"title": "Entanglement Experiment",
"description": "Progress is mysteriously linked to another task.",
"status": "IN_PROGRESS",
"priority": "MEDIUM",
"due_date": "2023-10-05",
"assignee": "User B"
"id": "1003",
"title": "Warp Drive Calibration",
"description": "Successfully bent space-time (or at least completed the task).",
"status": "COMPLETED",
"priority": "LOW",
"due_date": "2023-10-10",
"assignee": "User C"
Using your language of choice via our Generated SDKs, create the following server functions for mapping the CRUD operations:
Function for create operation:
// create-task.ts
import { vari } from 'polyapi';
async function createTask(body: any): Promise<boolean> {
const tasks = await vari.dashboard.tasks.get();
let newId = "1";
if (tasks.length > 0) {
const maxId = Math.max( => parseInt(, 10)));
newId = (maxId + 1).toString();
} = newId;
await vari.dashboard.tasks.update(tasks);
return true;
Function for list operation:
// list-tasks.ts
import { vari } from 'polyapi';
async function listTasks(): Promise<any[]> {
return await vari.dashboard.tasks.get();
Function for get operation:
// get-task.ts
import { vari } from 'polyapi';
async function getTask(id: string): Promise<any | null> {
const tasks = await vari.dashboard.tasks.get();
const task = tasks.find(task => === id);
return task || null;
Function for update operation:
// update-task.ts
import { vari } from 'polyapi';
async function updateTask(id: string, body: any): Promise<boolean> {
const tasks = await vari.dashboard.tasks.get();
const existingTaskIndex = tasks.findIndex(task => === id);
if (existingTaskIndex !== -1) {
tasks[existingTaskIndex] = { ...tasks[existingTaskIndex], ...body };
await vari.dashboard.tasks.update(tasks);
} else {
throw new Error(`Task with ID ${id} not found.`);
return true;
Function for delete operation:
// delete-task.ts
import { vari } from 'polyapi';
async function deleteTask(id: string): Promise<boolean> {
const tasks = await vari.dashboard.tasks.get();
const existingTaskIndex = tasks.findIndex(task => === id);
if (existingTaskIndex !== -1) {
tasks.splice(existingTaskIndex, 1);
await vari.dashboard.tasks.update(tasks);
} else {
throw new Error(`Task with ID ${id} not found.`);
return true;
Deploy the functions:
$ npx poly function add createTask create-task.ts --context dashboard --server
$ npx poly function add listTasks list-tasks.ts --context dashboard --server
$ npx poly function add getTask get-task.ts --context dashboard --server
$ npx poly function add updateTask update-task.ts --context dashboard --server
$ npx poly function add deleteTask delete-task.ts --context dashboard --server
Function for create operation:
import json
from polyapi import vari
def create_task(body: dict) -> bool:
tasks = json.loads(vari.dashboard.tasks.get())
if tasks:
max_id = max(int(task["id"]) for task in tasks)
new_id = str(max_id + 1)
new_id = "1"
body["id"] = new_id
return True
Function for list operation:
import json
from typing import Any
from polyapi import vari
def list_tasks() -> Any:
return json.loads(vari.dashboard.tasks.get())
Function for get operation:
import json
from typing import Any, Optional
from polyapi import vari
def get_task(id: str) -> Optional[Any]:
tasks = json.loads(vari.dashboard.tasks.get())
task = next((task for task in tasks if task.get("id") == id), None)
return task
Function for update operation:
import json
from polyapi import vari
def update_task(id: str, body: dict) -> bool:
tasks = json.loads(vari.dashboard.tasks.get())
existing_task_index = next((index for (index, task) in enumerate(tasks) if task['id'] == id), None)
if existing_task_index is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Task with ID {id} not found.")
return True
Function for delete operation:
import json
from polyapi import vari
def delete_task(id: str) -> bool:
tasks = json.loads(vari.dashboard.tasks.get())
existing_task_index = next(
(index for index, task in enumerate(tasks) if task["id"] == id), None
if existing_task_index is not None:
del tasks[existing_task_index]
raise ValueError(f"Task with ID {id} not found.")
return True
Deploy the functions:
$ python -m polyapi function add create_task --server --context dashboard
$ python -m polyapi function add list_tasks --server --context dashboard
$ python -m polyapi function add get_task --server --context dashboard
$ python -m polyapi function add update_task --server --context dashboard
$ python -m polyapi function add delete_task --server --context dashboard
Updating the Application Configuration¶
Now that your server functions are in place, it’s time to integrate them into your Canopy application.
Navigate to Applications in PolyUI.
Locate and select your new application (Quantum Quirk).
Click the “Update” button to modify the configuration.
Replace the existing JSON configuration with the updated version provided below.
Click “Submit” to apply the changes.
Pro Tip
You can iterate even faster by using Poly’s API endpoint PUT /applications/{id}/config
to push your config changes to PolyAPI.
Here is the updated JSON configuration for the “Tasks” collection that we started from Create a Canopy UI Application. Notice the new keys: itemActions
, create
, list
, get
, update
, and delete
This config is mapping to TypeScript functions. If you are using Python, make sure to update the path
values accordingly to account for subtle function naming differences between the languages.
"name": "Quantum Quirk",
"subpath": "quantum-quirk-dashboard",
"icon": "",
"logoSrc": "",
"login": {
"title": "Login To Quantum Quirk Dashboard",
"logoSrc": ""
"collections": [
"id": "tasks",
"name": "Tasks",
"group": "Dashboard",
"nameProperty": "title",
"properties": {
"id": {
"label": "ID",
"readOnly": true,
"excludeFromCreate": true,
"excludeFromUpdate": true
"title": {
"label": "Title",
"type": "text"
"description": {
"label": "Description",
"type": "multiline",
"autoSize": true
"status": {
"label": "Status",
"type": "enum",
"values": [
"name": "To Do",
"value": "TODO"
"name": "In Progress",
"value": "IN_PROGRESS"
"name": "Completed",
"value": "COMPLETED"
"priority": {
"label": "Priority",
"type": "enum",
"values": [
"name": "Low",
"value": "LOW"
"name": "Medium",
"value": "MEDIUM"
"name": "High",
"value": "HIGH"
"due_date": {
"label": "Due Date",
"type": "text"
"assignee": {
"label": "Assignee",
"type": "text"
"itemActions": [
"create": {
"actionLabel": "Add",
"submitLabel": "Save",
"cancelLabel": "Cancel",
"function": {
"path": "dashboard.createTask",
"type": "server",
"arguments": {
"body": {
"data": true
"list": {
"function": {
"path": "dashboard.listTasks",
"type": "server"
"get": {
"function": {
"path": "dashboard.getTask",
"type": "server",
"arguments": {
"id": {
"id": true
"update": {
"actionLabel": "Edit",
"submitLabel": "Save",
"cancelLabel": "Cancel",
"function": {
"path": "dashboard.updateTask",
"type": "server",
"arguments": {
"id": {
"id": true
"body": {
"data": true
"delete": {
"actionLabel": "Delete",
"submitLabel": "Confirm",
"cancelLabel": "Cancel",
"function": {
"path": "dashboard.deleteTask",
"type": "server",
"arguments": {
"id": {
"id": true
Once submitted, the application will automatically reflect the newly added CRUD operations, allowing users to manage tasks within the UI. 🔥
Login to the application at /canopy/<your-subpath>/login
and you should see the following list view of the tasks we created:

From the list view, you can create a new task by clicking the “Add” button. You can also select a task to open a detailed view, where you can edit or delete the task:

By following this guide, you have successfully:
Defined CRUD operations for a Canopy application collection ✅
Linked each operation to a corresponding server function ✅
Implemented full task management within the Quantum Quirk dashboard ✅
With CRUD now in place, you can further customize your application by refining validation rules, enhancing UI interactions, or extending functionality with additional collections, groups and resources. 🚀
Let’s keep building upon this foundation! 💪 Next up Enhancing Canopy Applications with APIs.